Durata: 1 day
Luogo: Venezia

Exploring Murano

Visit the city as you have never done before. An alternative path to knowledge, planned in a multi-sensorial key, which aims to understand the traditions and the inner beauty of one of the most famous cities in the world. A journey enriched by tactile-workshop experiences to make the discovery way much fun, exciting and educational. We offer workshop activities realized as  daily tour or spread in 4-5 days.

The Venetian art of blowing

Together with the glass masters of the Murano Glass School and the artist Marco Curatolo, we have created and designed a completely accessible tactile workshop to understand the delicate art of glass blowing, in all its processing phases, from the incandescent material to the finished object. The participants will learn the technique, the tools, the very particular place of the furnace and the conditions in which the glass masters still work. Moreover: they themselves will become the protagonists, trying firsthand to prove their ability as blowers!

This is not just a simple trip, what we are offering with passion is a true experience!

Contact us to check the quote and availability of the workshop.


All merchants and workshops that we have involved are seeking to enhance their art rather than sell it off to mass tourism.

Groups will never be large to respect the principles of responsible tourism, to provide appropriate attention to each person, in order to truly enjoy the journey and the city.


Contact us for more information at: info@viaggidiffusi.com

Explore the World in a responsible way!!!


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